One Piece Chapter 1113 English - Stalemate

Check out the debut of One Piece #1113 by Eiichiro Oda! Dive into Chapter 1113 of One Piece Manga Online, featuring high-quality images. Join Monkey D. Luffy on his quest for the fabled treasure, One Piece. Interesting, after reading a few old chapters, seems the reason why Imu says Queen Lily D Nefeltari blundered is probably because of Pluton. Pluton was created by Water 7 Engineers. The engineers didn't want it to be used because of its destructive powers. Queen Lily knowing the intentions of the 19 other Celestial Dragons must have allied with the Ancient Kingdom and aided them in keeping Pluton secret. They did after-all keep secrets from the WG that was Poneglyph related. Imu probably wanted Pluton to further enforce the power of the WG, however Lily ruined this plan and probably worked alongside the Ancient Kingdom in hiding it. Imu says the Poneglyphs would never have been a thing if Lily didn't blunder, and the one thing we know Alabasta is connected to is Pluton. Imu also had a picture of Vivi which to me possibly suggests he's always kept an eye on Alabasta for the past 800 years since she did betray them. Can't wait for actual lore, hopefully Vegapunk can give some good details that Dr. Clover couldn't.

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